Getting Started
Get access to the API and OAuth from the Engagement team.
Once you have access, you can contact to get the Client ID and Secret.
Getting the Base URI
URIs follow a standard format of {customer_database_sub-domain}
The {customer_database_sub-domain} can be found by looking at your GrowthZone database URL and finding the sub-domain.
Common Endpoints
Redirect and Authority
Metadata Address
Public Keys
User Information
GET {customer_database_sub-domain}/oauth/userinfo
Additional Commonly Used Endpoints
GET {customer_database_sub-domain}/api/login/aboutme
GET {customer_database_sub-domain}/api/contacts/root/claims
GET {customer_database_sub-domain}/api/contacts/OrgGeneral/{ContactId}
Logout URL
Immediate Logout
POST {customer_database_sub-domain}/oauth/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=
Logout with Confirmation
GET {customer_database_sub-domain}/oauth/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=
This is the current recommended scope
"email openid profile offline_access"
You can edit it to your requirements.
We support Multiple OAuth 2 flows but we highly recommend the Grant Type Authorization Code flow.