
*Note that this is an overview of “How it Works”, not a step by step guide:
- You’ll create an “CNAME” record (For GrowthZone) or an “A” record (For CM/MZ) in the client’s main domain and point it to our server’s IP address.
- You’ll create navigation links on the client’s site that point to pages on our server. We refer these pages as “modules” and each one has content that corresponds to data within the client’s GZ or CM/MZ software (e.g. Business Directory, Events Calendar, Job Postings, News Releases, etc).
- So that our module pages will match the look and feel of the client’s website, you create a regular page on your site. We refer to this page as a “template” page, though it is just a normal page. This page you host on your server typically looks just like an interior page of your website and in the main content area you add a template tag (just a bit of text) of #MICRONET_CONTENT# so that we know where to insert our content. This “template” page is hidden from any menus so that a visitor does not land on it.
- The integrator drops in the url of this “template” page into the customer’s Integration Settings Control Panel (ISCP). The server then “scrapes” and caches the content of the url. When the server generates the ChamberMaster/MemberZone content, it then wraps the main page content in the ‘template’ page scraped from the customer’s site.
- When a website visitor clicks on a link to one of the ChamberMaster or MemberZone module pages, they will land on a ChamberMaster/MemberZone module, wrapped in the “template” page from your server. If you created and pointed the “A”-type record, the page will be delivered on the sub-domain you created, for instance (
Hopefully this page has helped you understand the “big picture” of how the GrowthZone and CM/MZ modules are typically integrated into the client’s website. If you are ready for the next step, proceed to the Quick Start Guide for GrowthZone or ChamberMaster/MemberZone. If it is still a little “fuzzy”, feel free to contact us.