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GrowthZone API

Getting Started

Get your API key from the Engagement team.

Making API requests

Making a request is straightforward, but there are several details you will need when making a request.

Constructing a URI

URIs follow a standard format of {customer_database_sub-domain}

The {customer_database_sub-domain} can be found by looking at your database URL and finding the sub-domain.

Making the request

The following steps walk though retrieving the contacts of a database by making a GET /contact request.

  1. Make a cURL request
curl -L -X GET "https://{customer_database_sub-domain}" ^
-H "authorization: ApiKey {API_Key}"
The expected response follows this format:
    "Criteria": "",
    "CriteriaItems": [],
    "TotalRecordAvailable": number,
    "ModelItems": {
        "HideFamilyOption": 0
    "Results": [
            "ImageUrl": string,
            "ImageShortDescription": string,
            "ContactId": number,
            "OrganizationContactId": number,
            "SystemContactTypeId": number,
            "Type": "string",
            "Name": "string",
            "ContactName": "string.",
            "Balance": number,
            "PrimaryContact": "string",
            "Parents": number,
            "Children": number,
            "MembershipStatusTypeId": number,
            "EmailStatus": number,
            "EmailAddress": "string",
            "Phone": "string",
            "City": "string",
            "StateProvince": "string",
            "CountryId": string,
            "Country": "string",
            "ContactRoleCount": string,
            "Actions": string,
            "AccountNumber": "number"
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