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IFrame Module Pages


Increased security for public module and login pages

An added security measure is being implemented for our public facing module pages, staff and member login pages, and SmartCMS pages. As a result, these pages will no longer be able to be iFramed into 3rd party websites

As highlighted in February, customers currently using iFrames to integrate their public facing module pages with their website are encouraged to work with their webmaster to use our recommended integration. Integration information and steps can be found on our support website.

If you're not able to use our recommended integration, please contact us and we'd be happy to discuss further options with you.

The Technical Details on this is setting the X-Frame-Options in the Response header to disallow embedding the module pages into other websites, this is to prevent click-jacking.

Web support has the option to allow embedding if need to support CMS's that require it such as Wix but we would encourage you to follow the standard integration Method if possible.

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