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ChamberMaster/MemberZone API

1. Getting Started

Request an API key from WebSupport

WebSupport will first check to see that your account has API Access. If it does not they will have our Engagement team reach out with a quote.

Additional Information

2. Constructing A URI

URIs follow a standard format of{Customer_ID})/

The {Customer_ID} can be found by looking at your database and finding the ID on the top of the page.

3. An Example Request

The following steps walk though retrieving the contacts of a database by making a
GET /contact request.

  • Make a cURL request
    curl -L -X GET "{Customer_ID})/members/" ^
    -H "X-ApiKey: {API_Key}"


  • The expected response follows this format:

"Name": "string",
"Email": "string",
"Id": 'string',
"LogoUrl": "string",
"SearchLogoUrl": 'string',
"Status": 'number',
"StatusText": "String",
"Latitude": 'string',
"Longitude": 'string',
"Level": 'number',
"WebParticipationLevel": 'string',
"DisplayFlags": 'number',
"DoNotDisplayOnWeb": 'string',
"MembershipEstablished": 'string',
"Slug": "string",
"DisplayName": "string",
"DropDate": 'string'

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