While the implementation of the scrolling modules using the iframe method isn’t recommended, the scrolling modules do support the use of the iframe tag. There might be some cases where your website or content management system might not support the JavaScript widget, so the use of iframes could be an alternative.
Upcoming Events Scrolling Module with Querystring Parameters:
<iframe src="" height="150" width="250" scrolling="no"></iframe> |
- limit= (max number to show)
- daysBack= (number of days to go back – applies to new member listing)
- showLinks= (true or false)(link to the member page for each member?)
- popUp= (true or false)(should link open up in new window?)
- marquee= (true or false) (Scrolling option on or off)
- catgid= (event category id #) (event category filter; category id’s can be found within the ChamberMaster or MemberZone database)
- showenddate= (true or false) (determines the visibility of the end date for events with date ranges – the default is to show only the first date of the event)